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Date | Site | Forecast | Precip. | Winds Aloft 3000 ft. | Comments | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
February 28 | Whidbey Island | Sunny with cloudy periods | 40% POP | 260° at 6 knots | Woodside Report - Rob S. and Allan D. waited at Woodside launch for 1.5 hours, then got to soar for 2 hours. Too strong to top land! Did anyone fly Grouse???? February 27
| Sumas
| Sunny with cloudy periods
| 0% POP
| 130° at 8 knots
| Woodside Report - Since the out-flow winds did not appear to be as strong as on the 26th
we opted to attempt to fly Woodside. The cycles coming in at launch
were strong enough for reverse launching, but the lift was actually very
light due to the lack of wind (neither in-flow or out flow) Alan D.
managed 60 min(40min. below launch) and Alex R did a little better.
Everyone else less than 30 min - Rob Samplonious.
| February 26
| Woodside
| Sunny with cloudy periods
| 0% POP
| 090° at 6 knots
| Woodside Report - the upper level winds were forecast for light and variable, but that was not the case. When we arrived Norm and "Satellite Tim" were in the air and Norm was soaring near launch, while Tim was climbing out over the bailout. | When we got to launch (Rob Polack, Tom Hasek and I), pilots had been waiting for cycles for 30 minutes (wind strong over the back). Ian Johnston, Klaus, Tom and Doug Beer were able to get in the air before it completely shut us down. They all flew high above launch to about 1100 meters, then had to fight strong northerly headwinds into the LZ. February 25
| Woodside
| Clear, locally windy!
| 0% POP in the morning
| 010° at 7 knots
| Woodside Report - looks like Woodside was the place to be. Over 30s PG and HGs flew today, some getting 3:01:00 (Glen T.). | Maximum altitude of 4200 feet, 1300 meters reported by Thomas Hasek and Kelly Rand. Don Herres went over the back, but most pilots just flew all over the mountain. No incidents and rather smooth lift for this time of the year. A few top-landings also were accomplished saving some retrievals. Lil Nick Report - Allan Dickie launched from Lil Nick and flew back towards Woodside landing near the Golf Course, then headed up to Woodside in a truck and flew til 4:30 top-landing to retrieve Mark Fraser's truck (a good day for Allan). February 24
| Woodside
| cloudy, low cloudbase predicted
| 80% POP in the morning
| 250° at 7 knots
| Blanchard Report - Kevin Ault, Devin Crabtree & I flew Blanchard today. Hiked
up for first flights @ 2:15pm & drove up for second flight @ 4:00pm.
Thermals were on & off, because of the clds. blocking the sun. Cloud
base was not a problem (3000ft?). Winds 10-15kmph @ launch & 10-20kmph
@ landing field. max 200ft over launch, 24min flight length.
| February 23
| Whidbey Island or Woodside
| cloudy, 2200' cloudbase predicted, westerly winds in Strait of Juan de Fuca
| 60% POP
| 250° at 10 knots
Stay tuned for pilot reports!
| February 22
| Whidbey Island
| cloudy with sunny periods, low cloudbase, westerly winds in Strait of Juan de Fuca
| 30% POP
| 300° at 8 knots
Whidbey looked a bit light based on the windtalkers, but Blanchard might have been good. Don't forget to pack your green garbage bags and a shovel if you go to Blanchard. We have to keep this launch cleaner or they will close the road in!
| February 21
| Sumas
| Sunny with cloudy periods
| 30% POP
| 090° at 7 knots
| Woodside Report - We took our chances and went over to Woodside, it was sunny with some blue patches. There were some good strong cycles coming up so I laid out and
went, had no problem off of launch. As I was flying out though, there was no lift out there and you could feel the lee side conditions, as I got over the lz, it
was very lifty and trashy, the winds seemed to be coming from all directions. I came in and landed, and just as I was going to get the lines on my wing to bag
it, a big dust devil came and grabbed my wing and twirled it around and needless to say I had a ball to untangle, glad the devil didn't hit at the exact same time
I was landing. | After that Allan, Monica, Klaus and Jaques flew and did alright, the clouds had moved in by then. Norm drove down. So 5 of us got a flight @ Woodside, Some hang gliders went up and you could see them set up on the mountain but I left before they flew - Bev Grouse Report - Justin and I met at 2:00 pm and made our way up to the top of the Peak and were met with the normal downwind Grouse winter conditions! After 4 tries each we were airborne for sled rides, I opted again for Peter's Launch. A few turns over the cliffs and we were done. To quote Justin - "What a great sport!" Israel Report - Had 2 flights so far. The first was in the mountains of Tavour, beautiful scenery. From the top of the mountain (hill) you can xcountry anywhere, but as it was winter there were no thermals on the farm land so I stayed at the hill. Just before I took off I could hear from the Arabic village below the midday prayers. That was pretty cool in itšs self. The flight was a short 30 min as the air was trashy, even the locals didnšt stay long up. After I had landed and was almost at the top again a F-15 fighter jet come screaming over about 1000 ft above launch just in the area where I was flying. Air regs. for the air force are a little lacking. I though one flight was good enough I am not going to push my luck. Flew in Natanya, a 6 Km ridge right off the sea and in front of the town, that was great smooth air. Best of all you can fly right in front of a tall hotel and if you want to reach out and touch it. I got to about 200 ft from it and turned, but hey great view to the inside. Unfortionatly there were no beautiful naked women walking around in there rooms. But the flying made up for that. I leave Israel tomorrow morning early and go to Germany. February 20
| Sumas (today is a tough call)
| Sunny High 12°C. | (with locally gusty outflow winds this morning in the Fraser Valley) 0% POP
| 100° at 5 knots
| Grouse Report - Justin called to say he wanted to fly Grouse at 2:00 pm, so I took the Zen to work. I arrived at 2:10 pm, no Justin so I hiked up to the tram. All the way up the mountain was south wind. As I arrived at the Peak the south wind died and turned to north-east. I finally got off the hill at Peter's launch (tucked in behind some trees) after the fourth try. There were a few small bumps but otherwise a "no lift flight". Wind in the LZ was NNW calling for a non-standard approach.
| February 19
| Sumas
| Sunny with cloudy periods
| 10% POP
| 080° at 14 knots
| Hope Report (?) - Here is a sort of pilots report: We didn't get to go out and fly because of the east winds, and Sumas was too far away to get there fly and be at work, So Norm went to the Hope airport to kite. He
brought it up, and a gust picked him off the ground and he flew about 3' up off the ground for about 12' down the runnway getting forward movement not being blown
back. How high do you have to be to qualify it as air time "grin". So Norm got a first little flight in a new site (Hope). I stayed home and was working on my school
work preparing for my test. Sounds like Norm had more fun. - Bev
| February 18
| BC PLACE Stadium
| Cloudy with a few showers western sections. Snow showers with local freezing rain changing to showers near noon eastern sections. High 8. Probability of precipitation 90 percent.
| 90% POP
| 190° at 14 knots
| Whidbey Island Report -
We (collective) arrived at the Landing around 12:45 to
strong 25 km SE winds. I launched right away and
soared off and on until it shut down around 3:30. I
had a midair with an rc. I looked up to see a flying
wing hanging in my lines. I shook it down to my risers
and carried it around for a while as the rc guy yelled
up at me for his plane back. Eventually, after some
serious laughter from onlookers I relaunched his plane
from about 100 ft and we both flew on for a while.
Nice conditions, sunny warm weather, an excellent day - Ian J
| February 17
| BC PLACE Stadium
| Rain and Snow | Outflow winds 30 to 50 km/h. 40% POP
| 110° at 16 knots
| ![]() February 16
| BC PLACE Stadium
| Rain and Snow | Outflow winds 40 to 60 km/h and cold temperatures producing high windchills. Areas of blowing snow reducing visibilities this morning. 60% POP
| 100° at 21 knots
The Outdoor Show was great. Thanks to Diane and Robin for taking over while I went for dinner! | February 15
| Stay Home
| Rain and Snow | Outflow winds 30 to 50 km/h and cold temperatures producing high windchills. A few flurries then clearing early this morning. Areas of blowing snow reducing visibilities this morning. 60% POP later
| 060° at 22 knots
| Stay Tuned! Weekend is looking sunny, but windy. | If it is not flyable come and see the Outdoor Adventure Show in BC Place starting Friday thru Sunday and look me up! Booth 450. February 14
| Whidbey
| Cloudy
| 60% POP later
| 250° at 20 knots
| Stay Tuned! Some snow predicted at higher elevations. Whidbey should be okay.
| February 13
| Woodside
| Clear
| 0% POP
| light and variable
| Woodside Report - A bunch of us went up to Woodside and it was very light, so I was the first to launch a no wind launch and had a sledder down, Ian J followed me down
and we headed back up the mountain. We waited a few moments and the sun came out creating some nice thermals, so Larry, Ian, Allan and myself got to
soar it was great. I had a huge grin on my face after I landed. I landed because it was time to go to work :o( - Bev
| February 12
| Woodside
| Clear
| 0% POP
| light and variable
| Woodside Report - After checking the latest forecasts it was decided that Woodside would
be the best bet for soaring today. The Fraser Valley outflow winds were
fairly weak by the time Bev launched @ about 1 pm. The wind at launch blew
up fairly consistently @ 10-15 km/hr until about 4 pm. The flying was
initially fairly rough due to leeside conditions, but as the outflow
winds subsided the air became, much smoother. Comments about 4 m/s lift
were heard and elevations of 1200 m ASL were reached. Alan D. flew for
2:54, others landed early to warm-up (1 C @ 920m), some pilots flew
twice. 10 pilots total today. Late heard report that Agassiz had the BC
high temp of 10 C today indicating the strength of the lapse rate - Rob Samplonious
| February 11
| Sumas
| Clear
| 0% POP
| 070° at 10 knots
| Seymour Mountain Report - Flew the first bump of Seymour, launched into light NE wind, carved around over the heads of some snowboarders then headed toward the demonstration
forest. Lots of CU's setting up, particularly on the lee side. Thermalled for 20 minutes or so until Allan launched. Flew over Dog Mtn., cranked a few bullet
thermals, and flew out to the gravel pit, which always seems to release a bubble just as you turn final. Oh ... if only I didn't have to work tomorrow! - Ian Porter | Sumas Report - Arrived at the LZ(ed) at 12:00 noon, a bit late as we got a late start but there were two truck loads heading up and Allan Dickie was saying it was perfect at launch and we saw Mark Fraser flying out to land so we waited to take him back up. One by one we launched with Mark and Colleen getting above launch quickly, and eventually all 15 pilots were thermalling, soaring in front of launch. I took Diane S for a tandem and she had the best view in the house! Some pilots ventured east to the furthest mountain where some nice thermals were popping off, some stayed right in front of the HG launch. It was an interesting gaggle to manouever through! Landings were interesting as the wind was 25-35 km in the LZ. A great day in what was forecast to be shut down by outflow winds! February 10
| Sumas for hikers
| Rain/Snow in higher ellevations
| 100% POP
| 110° at 15 knots
| Woodside Report - we met at Woodside after Bev and Norm called to say there was no wind in the valley. When we got to launch at 11:30 there were thermals blowing into launch. Colleen was the wind technician and she had a great flight in the one little bullet thermal. Everyone else had sled rides until it started blowing over the back by 1:00 pm. Some interesting launches. Rob Samplonious lost a vario below launch if any one finds one. | Whidbey Report - Alex Raymont phoned to gloat about Whidbey! It was strong East all day until 3:00 pm, when it magically turned around to 13-20 knots SE and Alex took to the air. Everyone flew for an hour getting high and going far north on the ridge. You just gotta be patient at this site sometimes. Thanks for letting us know how sweeeet it was! February 9
| Sumas for the hikers
| Rain tapering to sunny breaks
| 90% POP
| 110° at 5 knots
| Stay Tuned! Whidbey is probably out today as east winds forecast as the low moves south, maybe tomorrow? Sumas is probably a hike up unless it gets plowed today. It was snowing all day in Abbotsford at sea level.
| February 8
| Stay Home
| Snow and Rain
| 100% POP
| 150° at 16 knots
| Stay Tuned! Whidbey may be possible later today or tomorrow, the mountains will be covered in snow for a while, so hiking may be the only way up!
| February 7
| Woodside
| clouding over later, clear in Abbotsford at 8:00 am
| 10% POP
| 250° at 5 knots
| Woodside Report - Norm and I went out to Woodside, and we met Allan out there, we three went up, Norm launched first, it was coming up but cross
so we had to wait awhile, but Norm launched a forward, you could tell it was a tad windy out there as Norm was getting pushed a
bit. He had some thermal puffs but nothing to stay in.
I decided to go but sure had to wrap up warm it was cold on launch, so I also did a forward and got lifted up pretty quick off of
launch, I managed to get some height and stayed launch level for a small while, what was out there was hard to stay into. I headed
out and was quite high coming in, I also got pushed around a bit, but nothing real rowdy. It was great to get in the air. We came
home because we had to go to work - Bev
| February 6
| Stay Home
| Locally Windy forecast (from NE)
| 10% POP
| 020° at 15 knots
| Woodside Report - I thought I had made a bad call because at 1:00 pm, we had inflow winds in the city. The CU were forming nicely about Eagle Mountain in Coquitlam with a slight NE drift. But . . . . when I called Allan Dickey later in the day he said the Chilliwack Windtalker was calling for 20-25 knots from the NE all day, too windy to kite!
| February 5
| Woodside
| Partly Cloudy, Windy forecast
| 20% POP
| 040° at 11 knots
| Woodside Report - I was out at Woodside today watching Rik Bouwmeester flying a PG and Colin flying an HG in the light snow that was coming down. No sun but inflow at launch, so they got two flights.
| February 4
| Whidbey Island
| Partly Cloudy
| 40% POP
| 230° at 23 knots
| Whidbey Report - 3 groups of pilots showed up at Ft. Ebey around 2:00 pm and it was gusty from the north. Some kiting and attempts to get up the ridge by kite-hiking. Alex R got off first, then Justin, then Ian J for a few passes and then I lucked out and caught a gust that took me onto the ridge where I flew a few circuits. I top landed to make room for others in the narrow lift and it shut down. Mexican food at El Cazador was good in Oak Harbour.
| February 3
| Woodside
| Sunny
| 20% POP
| 230° at 5 knots
| Woodside Report - Spring must be here, 8 truckloads of PGers were at launch by 11:00 am. A few early sled rides quickly became full-on 1.5 hour flights. Frozen hands and big smiles all around. Justin did his first Woodside top-landing to warm his hands (congratulations!). Trevor and Brad graduated from student status to signed off pilots in the nice thermals. | Elk Report - Allan, Glen and others hiked and flew Elk. Some cloud-dodging and flights of 45 minutes in moderate lift. The hike up was tougher because of the snow depth. Squamish Chief Report - Ian Porter and Allan Tone hiked and flew the Chief. Inflow at launch and some soaring with stunts over the falls to thrill the tourists. February 2
| Stay Home
| Rain and Wind
| 80% POP
| 250° at 30 knots
| Whidbey Report -
Finally . . . . . I get to soar at Whidbey, and it was sweet. Smoothest air I've ever flown. It was soarable when I arrived at 11:00 am until about 12:30 or so. Then it
died. It was a little cross from the SSE but it was still working well. Did lots of ground handling also. I was 0 for 3 down there until today. I was a happy
camper! - Glen Taylor | February 1
| Woodside
| Rain late in the day
| 60% POP
| 160° at 22 knots
| Woodside Report - Bev, Norm and Brian went to Woodside around noon, leeside for a while then it started to spit rain so they left.
| |
January 2001 Site of the Day archives - Mexico Flying Trip
December 2000 Site of the Day archives
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